
Princes of the Taiga
A detailed account of the third expedition to the Khabarovsky Region in hopes of photographing the Siberian tiger and end my "tiger Odyssey"
On new shores. Part II
The charmed shores bring new surprises
On new shores
A very honest tale of the plight of the Amur goral and the twists of fait of the photographer who decided to wash their boots in the Sea of Japan
Garden wildlife
Sharing something personal here - the abundance of birds in my own garden
How I turned into Baba Yaga
Sometimes you can do everything right and still not get any results from an expedition. That doesn't mean the adventure you had doesn't hold value.
On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia
A tale of how I wandered through the steppes with a camera, cursing the bitter cold and the vicious winds.
The "Pandora" Project
Launching my new long-term project
Remembering Costa Rica Part 7. The grand finale.
The last story about the 2013 Costa-Rican expedition. I get up close and personal with the children of the night, finally take my hummingbird shots and talk shop on that subject.
Remembering Costa Rica Part 6
The things you find at the side of the road. I almost completely screw up a photo op and get introduced to bird species from higher altitudes.
New faces at the Moscow Zoo
Nature shows me its brutal side then doses me with cuteness.
Fair warning! Some images may be too graphic for sensitive viewers.
Also, some animals may be just too adorable.